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Only $99.99 when you call us to order
Wake up those dormant stem cells! Activate the cells in the body to a healthier-youthful state.
As we age, the stems cells in the body loose their vitality due to environment, diet, stress, toxins, and lifestyle habits.
We can naturally activate these dormant stem cells with small dime shaped patches worn 12 hours a day. The patches are made with organic crystals, activated by light, to rejuvenate the cells of the body.
Healthier, younger stem cells can help the body have better:
Blood Pressure
Less Pain
Reduce Inflammation
Fight off sickness & ailments
Soothe Sores
Hair Growth
Reduce Wrinkles
Increased Energy
Better Sleep
and much more
The body was created to naturally heal itself, with phototherapy it is encouraged to do what it was created to do, thrive!
Patches can be purchased individually for $5 a patch or receive a deep discount when getting a sleeve of 30 patches for $99.
90 day MONEY BACK guarantee when a sleeve is purchased thru our Lifewave preferred link or by calling us to take your order!
Buy in our store or online . Call us or stop in for more details.
FREE SHIPPING For All Orders Mailed In The USA
The content on this website is based on our client experiences, for informational or educational purposes only, and does not substitute professional medical advice or consultations with healthcare professionals.